“We are a people glorifying God by reaching people for Christ and furthering the Kingdom of God in Evans and the Nations”
Dan and Laura Haynes
(Rory and Elsie)
Campus Outreach Birmingham, U.K.
Campus Outreach seeks to reach lost students, on the campus, under the authority of the local church. My role is to help construct the 'scaffolding' that is needed for the ministry to become sustainable; constructing things that are temporary to build things that last.

David and Erin Pervis
MTW, Greece
David grew up in Georgia, and as a child placed his faith in Christ. He received his B.S. in chemical engineering at Auburn University and later received CELTA certification for English language teaching. While participating in evangelism teams in Eastern Europe, he sensed God’s call to missionary service there. Erin, also from Georgia, came to know the Lord in middle school. She graduated from Duke University with a degree in Middle East studies and later earned a master’s degree in teaching English as a second language. In 1984 she joined Arab World Ministries and worked among Arab Muslims in England, France, and the Middle East before marrying David in 1996. From 1999 to 2012, David and Erin served on the MTW church-planting team in Sofia, Bulgaria, establishing a multifaceted English program as an avenue for evangelism and assisting a Bulgarian church planter. From 2012 to 2017, they served on the MTW church-planting team in Kyiv, Ukraine, teaching ESL, leading evangelistic English clubs for two church plants, and discipling new believers. As of 2018, they are a part of the MTW church-planting team in Athens, Greece, using English instruction as a means for evangelism among Greeks and refugees from the Middle East and Asia.

David and Eowyn Stoddard
Church-planting is still the best way to reach new people for Christ. The church-planter we will be joining and supporting in Munich is a Brazilian missionary kid who grew up in India and West London, speaks fluent French and German, and has been trained at the Martin Bucer Seminary and is being sent out by a German reformed church to a new area of Munich. We will support the start team through evangelism, community involvement, hospitality, and the leading of small groups for not-yet-believers and new believers. Coaching and leadership development are crucial for these same young leaders to grow very practically in their local church responsibilities, and we have been asked to help shape a trainee program in Munich which includes seminarians and church-planters, their wives, and other young leaders in the church. Theological Education is key to ensure the health and longevity of the church. We will both be able to teach and influence young leaders through involvement at the Martin Bucer Seminary, whether through formal teaching or informal relational ministries. Additionally, David serves as the International Director for Europe. This role allows him to lead, develop and care for MTW’s 170 workers in Europe.