Having raised a family myself, I know the costs involved in providing for our children. To even consider the cost of private education might immediately cause many to simply say, “We cannot afford it!” I am sympathetic.
In college, I learned the concept of “opportunity cost.” The term refers to "the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen." Perhaps, rather than simply considering the cost of Christian education, it would be helpful to also consider the potential gain that comes with the sacrifice.
The potential gain of choosing a distinctively Christian school is the imparting and reinforcement of biblical truth. What a Christian parent teaches at home, and what a child gains from a solid church, can be built upon and expanded through everyday interactions at school. It would be hard to put a price tag on such assistance for the Christian parent.
Yes, private Christian schools require a financial investment, but the gain is tremendous and carries eternal significance.
I am not arguing that every public school is bad, or that Christian teachers in the public sphere cannot make an impact. In fact, the public school system in which our church is located has solid results in educational excellence. However, the cost involved in the free education is the facts that are taught cannot be taught from a distinctively Christian perspective. History, Science, English and every subject must be taught without offending the individual rights of any who attend. Each subject must be taught from a neutral perspective. However, Jesus has said “Whoever is not with me is against me…” (Matthew 12:30)
Further, the result of a secular education is that the Christian Faith becomes something reserved for Sunday. Rather than all of life being seen from the perspective of a God who made the world, a God who ordered the world, a God who preserves and governs all His creatures and all their actions, the world is seen through the lens of naturalism. The world is understood to simply be the result of natural laws and forces. Nature is all that exists. Any discussion of a supernatural realm is pushed to one day a week.
You are a parent given the responsibility of bringing your children up in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” as the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6. I am not saying that to choose a public school option is sinful. I am encouraging you to consider that, to make the Christian school choice, you are reinforcing the truths that you hold most precious. Some costs are truly worth incurring.
We would love to have this conversation with you in person if that would be helpful to you!
Sincerely, John Fender
Senior Pastor, Redeemer Church Evans, GA